What’s your professional circle like?

Do you only hang out with other Speechies or with other allied health?

Is it only the Speechies you went to Uni with or those in your current workplace?

Often we can get stuck in a rut, having the same conversations with the same therapists who think the same as us. 

Although there is nothing wrong with that, it will mean that our growth is limited. 


Because there are no new ideas, radical ways of thinking, innovation or even clashes of opinion. Nothing that is going to get you questioning what you are doing, thinking or believing.

That’s why being part of a larger network is so important. 

Whether you are a new grad or an experienced Speech Pathologist. 

If you are a business owner, being in a network of non-Speechies and allied health is GOLD.

When everyone is stuck in groupthink, it’s hard to break away. To challenge yourself. To try something new.

That’s because as humans we have a deep desire to be liked, to be part of the group. In history, being ostracised meant life got incredibly hard. So sticking with a group helps us feel safe. 

We can harness this need for safety but also work it in our favour by joining different groups. 

In my first job, I remember at least sitting once a week with the admin team during lunch break. All the other Speechies, Physio’s and OT’s thought I was a little odd. No-one else was doing this so my behaviour stood out. However, I learnt so much from sitting with the admin staff. It also meant they looked out for me and always helped me out. 

Currently, I am part of an incredible female entrepreneurial group. All the women are phenomenal. They are doing incredible, innovative things in their respective businesses and fields. Often, I am the least smartest person at the table. Every conversation adds not just to my knowledge but my understanding of what’s possible. They help me think outside the Speechie box. They look at problems and solutions differently and I am always better off for it. 

I used to be part of a private Speechie group. These women had businesses for significantly longer than me. They knew the ups and downs and helped me navigate the business landscape. Also, their clinical experience was exceptional. I felt incredibly fortunate to be able to be able to get their input anytime I needed it.

Often it is much more comfortable for us to be with people who are similar to us. At a similar age or stage. We feel competent. Smart. 

However, it’s when we get into rooms with people who are infinitely more clever than we are. More experienced. More knowledgeable. Who have more wisdom. Who have more battle scars. That’s where we really benefit. Yes our ego takes a hit but if you can get comfortable with that, the growth you will experience will be astounding.

Hard Conversations